Today marks the first day on this yellowy island full of sweet yummy mono goodness. So far, so good, despite some minor snafus:
Before heading to the gym to get my swol on, I ate 1 banana. I am making sure my bananas are uber-ripe (skin nearly brown, inside soft and almost mushy, aroma very banana-y and sweet) to make sure the least amount of starch is present as possible. I ate my banana with a fork and paused in between bites to try to ingrain the new habit of slow, conscious, mindful eating. Weird symptom: my tongue felt SPICY while eating the banana...what's up with this? Anyone experience this?
Workout was good... did abs and 10 min of elliptical as a warm up, then 40 or so min of back. I'm taking it light these days, as my strength rivals Lindsay Lohan on drugs (meaning, I'm pretty weak), so I'm basically lifting to not lose any more mass, keep the blood flowing, help with detox, and keep me motivated. It also helps a lot with my fibromyalgia/CFS and mentality.
Afterwards (7:15am), I came home HUNGRY and dying for a banana smoothie (I ate watermelon for breakfast for 8 days straight.... was getting kind of sick of it by now. Let's hope I don't feel that way about nanas!). I whipped up a 582g smoothie, saving one of the bananas to slice into the smoothie. I used 4 WF organic bananas and 1 Dole banana (I have a few different varieties at home...they all taste like bananas to me, lol). This sat well with me and I did a good job eating slowly. I read a book by Dr Klein and cuddled with my cat while eating. I wasn't stuffed (like I usually get). I felt comfortably full. However, I got really tired after eating and could have taken a nap. Also, my tongue felt SPICY again and I had a bad aftertaste in my mouth. My tongue was really coated as well. Walked my dog before heading out the door.
I got hungry around 10:30, but was running errands, so I couldn't eat til 11:10. I made a 601g smoothie, again saving some of the banana to slice into the smoothie. I started to become gassy/mucousy around 11am, but no noticeable bloating. This meal was good. 600g of bananas seems a good amount for my tummy to handle. However, I got REALLY tired/spacey again after eating this. Tongue felt weird again too. :-( Walked my dog to help with digestion....and to let him poop, which he did. Show off. :-)
After running more errands, I came home and wanted to try to push the volume up a bit more. Around 4:30pm, I had 740g worth of banana softserve (saving 1.5 bananas to slice into the finished product). It was really good and the coldness forced me to eat really slow. I made sure to let it melt in my mouth and get warm before swallowing. I was freezing while eating it...not fun. This took 1hr to eat! I was EXTREMELY tired after eating this and fell asleep. Maybe I should hold off on the frozen stuff for now. Plus, I think 740g is too much for my tummy to handle right now. I wasn't really bloated afterwards, but I felt uncomfortably full...and I think the amount of sugar in this meal was too much for my newbie-HCRV metabolism to handle. Maybe that's why I'm crashing after meals: my body hasn't adjusted to sugar metabolism, so my blood sugar is spiking and dropping and is basically dysregulated?
Walking my dog afterwards help to restore my energy.
The gassiness sucks. Thank god I live alone. I could out-fart most drunken men at any given bar. There's a new career idea!
Rundown on my symptoms:
-SKIN: cyst-like acne erupted in many areas on my face: 3 around my eyebrows, a few on my cheeks and chin. Lovely.
-MOOD/STRESS: felt calmer today. Anxiety wasn't horrible. I didn't feel as labile. yay, bananas!
-GI: gassy with mucus around 11am. Felt like I had to drop a douce, but no-sir-ee. No bloat! Digestion felt a bit efficient, so that's good.
-MOUTH: Tongue very coated, bad taste in mouth. Teeth felt sensitive while flossing. Tongue felt spicy while eating bananas.
-ENERGY: Good, but EXTREMELY tired after eating....felt like a major sugar crash.
-APPETITE: Decent. Waited to eat when I felt hungry...still trying to figure out what that means.
5:20am: 115g banana (102 cals)
7:45am: 582g bananas (518 cals) Smoothie with 1 sliced
11:10 am: 601g bananas (534) Same as above
430 pm: 740g banana soft serve (658)
cals: 1812
Pro: 22g
Carbs: 465g
Fat: 6g
Fiber: 53g
Vitamins: 61% (this worries me...I'm lacking a lot according to cronometer...)
Minerals 58% (frown!)
I read that the tiredness after eating high-sugar fruits is due to the fact that some people have a hard time dealing with the high amount of sugar, thus adding greens in helps balance this. Is this something I should do? I want to do BI, but I'm feeling kind of off without greens.....
And what's up with the spicy-feeling tongue and coatedness? Gross.
Luv to u all!
comments from 30BaD:

How do u know what fruits are "not right for u?'' What reactions do u get?
What foods are "safe" and not chemical-loaded----which will u focus on after DI?
In my opinion it is ok to keep eating conventional bananas that you have right now, I don’t think they would do any significant harm at this point at least. It would be great if you start buying organic after, it is always the best option if your financial situation allows you to do so, but if not, that is ok, just see how it goes with conventional. If you still have your symptoms (burning feeling and tiredness) in a few weeks, try organic for a while, if nothing changes again try another fruit like mangoes, dates, persimmons, watermelon or papaya.
As I mentioned in your other post I tried “Banana Island” before and I just could not eat so many bananas all day long, it was not the right fruit for me, now I am eating lots of dates and it is working great so far. I am also really sensitive to chemicals and I have a lot of allergic reactions if I eat the wrong stuff. That is why I am avoiding all possible chemical loaded fruits. Bananas are not the worst dangerous type but they are somewhere in the middle. Again try it for some time and if you notice that your body does not like it switch for organic if you still want to eat bananas. That is my opinion, but I would also like to hear some other thoughts because I am not an expert in this area.
Elena: wow! That is a long time! I best keep my scraper handy!
Ksenia: since i am dealing with lots of toxins (gut infections and heavy metals), would it be in my best interest to try to return the case of conventional bananas and get organic, even if they are twice the price? Its worth the money if its better for my health....or, are the conventional ones ok? I have a ton of bananas at home and it will take a week to ripen a new case
hi, Shelby! I agree with DR about coated tongue. I have it for several months!!!! but never in my life before. I was previously informed it happens during detox . but I thought how long would it take ???? some people used to write they had coated tongue during the first months and then it was just clear, but mine was covered white about first 6- 7 months ( I think it is a long time!!!) . people say that what we see on a tongue shows us what there is inside of intestines, colon, haha, the same colour.but look first going raw I wasnt on 80-10-10 diet, so who knows may be it was due to high ammounts of fat or whatever. so, wait a bit and see. at least now you know it's not caused by eating bananas ;)
I know, eating organic is expensive. Personally I buy as much organic as I can but I am not freaking out if I buy conventional.
I found this about bananas:
Bananas are not on the dirty dozen, though. I have over 3 cases at home....not all are organic. Am I toxifying myself instead of helping my body detox?
How can toxins get thru the thick skin? And if organic bananas are so "toxic" then why are they not included in the Dirty list?
Conventional costs $19/case. Organic is twice that price at $40/case.
There is "The Dirty Dozen" list of fruits and veggies which includes:
§ celery
§ peaches
§ strawberries
§ apples
§ domestic blueberries
§ nectarines
§ sweet bell peppers
§ spinach, kale and collard greens
§ cherries
§ potatoes
§ imported grapes
§ lettuce
Yes, it is really important to buy them organic to avoid all different chemicals. Check this site as well:
HAHAHAHA Derek. Thanks. I know...I'm a worry-wart. I gotta stop. Any suggestions on how to calm down and not fret over every detail?
Ksenia: Thanks for the links. This woman described my tongue perfectly:
"This white coating is not related to bananas, cannot be scrubbed off, causes foul breath and a general feeling of unwellness. Usually seems to show up during transition between sad and raw. Goes away by itself, leaving very sweet breath, pink tongue and great taste buds. Detox white tongue is similar to oral thrush but it looks different. Thrush has red, raw bumpy tissue under the white and it is very painful. You can't eat much with it. It does not go away by itself, generally, but must be treated with a swish and swallow medicine. I still think that the white tongue of detox is a huge candida die off. Same thing as thrush only dying. I think sad eaters have large amounts of candida in their systems. I think with lfrv the candida colonies die off and return to their normal levels in our bodies. Thrush is a living active overgrowth of candida and other bacteria and yeast. It breaks down the skin with its waste products."
I bought both organic and conventional....both types caused the same reaction. I really think there is not much difference between organic and conventional bananas. From the research I've done, bananas are pretty safe conventionally-grown, whereas things like spinach, berries, and apples are vital to get organic. Is this true?
- About coated tongue:
- the only thing that I found about "banana burn" feeling is this but again it is about unripe bananas. The other possible explanation is banana allergy (or latex allergy). Also do u buy organic bananas or conventional? It may contribute to the issue.
I remember when I was in Russia this summer I ate a lot of bananas and they were delicious and I did not have any issues with them. Here I don't like the taste so much and I experienced all that strange symptoms like tiredness and tongue burning. I assumed it had smth to do with chemicals. But I am not sure. Listen to what Derek says - wait another week and see if symptoms persist.
- I agree with Mandy. Try to minimize frozen bananas as much as you can.
You're going to worry yourself sick over every minute detail. 99% of the time my s*** doesn't smell. Every once and a while it smells. I'm like wtf... I don't panic over it though :P
Time Shelby... time. If you were getting weird symptoms after a month or two. Time for concern. After 1 day... not so much.
What I mean is that the recommended daily averages that are calculated are based upon people who eat SAD diets. We eat a entirely different diet and our averages will be totally different.
Your body has to get used to processing this much sugar. Its a carb overload to your body. Since you were eating very little sugar before, your body is saying like 'WOHHHHH!" so much good healthy sugar, doesn't know what to do with it. You are training your body.
What I mean is that the recommended daily averages that are calculated are based upon people who eat SAD diets. We eat a entirely different diet and our averages will be totally different.
Your body has to get used to processing this much sugar. Its a carb overload to your body. Since you were eating very little sugar before, your body is saying like 'WOHHHHH!" so much good healthy sugar, doesn't know what to do with it. You are training your body.
Yeah... no more soft serve for me, at least not in that quantity!
My big concern is the spicy/tingling tongue... :-/
I would definitely not eat frozen bananas for a while even though it's delicious! It made me freezing whenever I ate it and it really messed with my digestion! I'm not sure about the tiredness but it might be your body just adjusting/getting old fats out of your system?
Ksneia: I made sure my bananas are uber ripe (skin nearly brown, inside soft and almost mushy, aroma very banana-y and sweet) to make sure the least amount of starch is present as possible.
They are the Cavendish type. I have them from different stores (whole foods, trader joes, jewel, caputos, a whole-seller).
What causes the coated tongue after banana shakes?
I've had the energy drops every time I eat doesnt happen as often or as severely with other fruits (except it happened once with watermelon).
Why would I have energy the entire day, but feel tired ONLY after eating? If I was lacking major sleep, wouldn't I feel tired ALL the time? Not sure why the tiredness would only occur after eating if it is connected to lack of sleep, thus making me think it's a blood sugar issue
I'm trying to increase cals, but it's hard without dates, lol. My stomach doesnt hold much volume. Plus, this is about 1000cals more than what I was able to eat on the anti-candid diet, thus I have signifcantly raised my amount. Baby steps.... trying to increase cals too fast, especially when digestion is impaired, is counter-product and can be dangerous. I'm trying to slowly increase. :-)
What do u mean that cronometer uses RDA from sick people?
Congrats on Day 1! I did mine as well.
I get spicy-feeling tongue when bananas are not ripe enough or with certain types of bananas (don;t remember which one). A lot of people experince coated tongue after banana shakes, my advice is to clean it with tongue scraper/cleaner after each meal.
You're coming from such a host of health challenges that I think you need to just let things run its course. You've been 811 for 8 or 9 days now?
We all experience weird symptoms when we first start transitioning to a new lifestyle. If these issues last 2 or 3 weeks or even a month then I'd say its cause for concern. After 1 day of banana island, there aren't any glaring issues.
You're coming from a background of being totally underslept so that's one of the main reasons you're falling asleep.
We all experience weird symptoms when we first start transitioning to a new lifestyle. If these issues last 2 or 3 weeks or even a month then I'd say its cause for concern. After 1 day of banana island, there aren't any glaring issues.
You're coming from a background of being totally underslept so that's one of the main reasons you're falling asleep.
By looking at your calories for the day, you really aren't eating that much, even though it may seem like a lot to you. Don't worry about your vitamins and minerals for the day. Cronometer uses RDA from sick people. A lot of people get way too concerned that they aren't getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals from an arbitrary system.
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