I'm 2 weeks old today! Yay!
What better way to celebrate my 2 week anniversary than to burn the banana boat? Well, I sorta did, and sorta didn't. I told myself I would not have ANY bananas today, but I caved, IDK why. Even though I hate them, I'm addicted. Oh well, better nanners than dubies, I guess. :-)
However, my GI SUCKED today. I was in a lot of pain, physically. I can't pinpoint why... it doesnt feel like a detox reaction. I've had the herx-reaction before and this was not like it. It definitely felt like a flare-up or a worsening of my infections. Do the infections get worse before they die-off? I feel like all I'm doing is feeding the bad dudes, not building up my good flora.
Good news is that I'm having a consult with Dr Klein tomorrow! I pray he can help put these convoluted pieces of the puzzle together. I can only afford one consult for now, so I hope he can be concise and detailed! He has worked with Dr Graham and TC Fry. He healed himself from Crohns and has worked with helping people heal all sorts of gut issues for 19 years. He also takes lifestyle factors into consideration and stresses rest, sleep, and intuitiveness. He wants people to become their own doctors, let go of old beliefs, and learn to get back to "nature's way" of things. He wrote a book which he wants people to follow. My fear is that he won't be as thorough/supportive/detailed as I hope. I really desire a meal plan, for it has been a struggle for me to figure out how/what/when/how much to eat, what foods to focus on, which foods might be irritating to the gut, etc. I'm pretty miserable. I also fear he'll tell me to eat potatoes and steamed veg...I want to avoid cooked foods, especially the disaccharides, which are known to aggravate infections. But, I need to trust that he knows what he is doing....
I ended up doing a different meal plan than what I posted yesterday:
5:40am Pre-workout: OJ made with 3 oranges (citrus does not seem to bother me…in fact, my body seems to crave it) 180 cals
8:40am: 1600g Watermelon (this made me really full, had to urinate a lot, and the halitosis was bad. Mucus-flatus, cramps began around 10:30 again) 480 cals
*No matter what I eat, my GI symptoms always start around 10:30am*
12:20: 664g (4 total) persimmons + 106g (1) banana blended into pudding (full..bad halitosis, bad reflux/indigestion, gas/bloat and bad cramps after eating this) [This was my first time trying persimmons] 560 cals
3:30: I drank hot water to help calm my stomach pain. It helped a bit. I know this is not lfrv, but I was in immense discomfort and it help to soothe the cramps and spasms
5:30pm: 10 soaked medjool dates (4 I ate, and 6 I made into date sauce with date water) and 370g banana ice cream (Delishious…made me full, though. Minor reflux afterwards) 1040 cals
(I was going to do a green juice, but I was too full and uncomfortable)
Cals: 2255
Carbs: 587g (93%)
Pro: 27g (4%)
Fat: 6g (3%)
Fiber: 69g
Vitamins: 71%
Minerals: 67%
The persimmons were good, but the taste got a bit boring by the end. Plus, it bothered my stomach (yes, they were very ripe)...unless it was the banana that bothered me. Frozen bananas seem fine..but regular bananas give me problems. Why is that? Does the freezing break down any left-over starch or something?
Let me tell ya, if I could do a banana-date ice cream island, I would be in HEAVEN! It was so good...I couldn't believe it was fruit! It tasted almost like a caramel sundae! I let it get melty, just like how I used to eat icecream when I was a kid. Then I ate around the melty perimeter of the bowl, while letting the frozen cold stuff melt into a blissful pool of fructosey goodness!
How in the world can people eat frozen cow-pus when u can eat frozen fruit? I'd take the latter, thankuverymuch!
So, hopefully tomorrow will bring a better-guided path to the start of my Week #3 of this wonderful new lifestyle.
Luv to u all, my fruity friends!
Comments from 30BaD:

Kim: wow, I never knew eating pineapple was such a process! Thanks for the helpful tips! I did let it get very ripe, but I didn't know what the other hints until it was too late! Ugh. Thanks for letting me in on these secrets!
Lily: I have severe pathogenic gut infections. Yes, I have reflux, amongst many other GI issues. I do try to eat smaller portions, but most people here are telling me that "you have to stuff yourself and stretch your stomach"...Yeah....I've been trying that, and well, it doesn't work for everyone. So, yes, smaller portions are probably a good idea. However, it can be hard to get enough cals in that way. Oh well...I guess MY big focus is healing my gut first and worry about cals later. Dates can help up the cals, I guess.
I never lay down after eating. Ever. I also try to go short a mini walk after eating to help with the digestive process. I chew well---I also Chew my smoothies
I don't mix water and fruit. I even make sure my smoothies are thick, as to not dilute gastric juices.
My banana icecream was not consumed frozen. I let it melt before I consumed it. So, it was not cold.
warm water is well-known to calm spasms and cramps.
Thanks for the help, Lily!!! :-)
I don't understand what infections are you talking about?
So you have reflux??
In my opinion, you should try to eat *smaller* portions of fruit, chewing them really good, salivating very well each bite, and eat more meals to get your calories. With water you can do the same, drink little but often, salivating each mouthful. Try NOT to lay in bad after you eat, stay vertical, and so gravity can help with the reflux. Do not eat much in one sitting, it can trigger the acid reflux. Chewing really good the food will help with your bloating also. And I think it’s best not to mix water with fruit at this point.
You say you drank *hot water* to calm your pain, and then you eat banana *ice-cream*. If you are having stomach problems it's not ok hot or cold, room temperature is desirable. Hot or cold liquids/food is irritating for the gastric mucosae.
No probs!
It's natural for water to fill you up and lessen hunger... once the water empties out of your stomach though you should be fine again :)
Pineapple... it's so good but so painful. For the most part the reason is that us lucky folk who don't live in the tropics are given unripened pineapple sprayed with ethylene gas (just like our nanners).
It's very important for a pineapple to be allowed to ripen on the tree naturally. This is what burns our tongues and even causes some to bleed. However... since we are not privy to such luxuries... a good trick is to ensure your pineapple smells super sweet before cutting into it.
Once you purchase it, let it sit on the counter and ripen to as much yellow and brown as possible. No green! This helps with the acid burn.
As well... before you consume it, cut the leaf-end of the pineapple off and sit it in a bowl cut side down. Let it sit like this overnight in the fridge and the burning acids will drain out into the bowl. The longer it sits like this, the more comes out.
In addition, once you cut into the pineapple.. ensure all of the outside and ALL of the inside core are removed. These contain higher quantities of irritating acids/fibers.
If you're purchasing pre-cut pineapple from a store... make sure it isn't pale yellow but instead is a deep golden yellow.
Replying to your emails now!
Thanks as always, Kim!!!!
I'm trying to increase the water...not easy though. I bloat up immediately and my appetite is quickly killed. Why is that?!
Side note, I've completely given up on pineapple. It will always burn my tongue no matter what. Sad. :-( I tried to have it for breakfast, but after approx 200g, My tongue was on fire. That totally messed up what I planned out to eat today. I'm probably going to be under my cal goal now....unless I ramp up the dates! :-P
Can't wait for Dr K to put this together for me....but I'm seriously thinking about doing a banana/date island.
Also - Will reply to your email tomorrow! off to bedy-byes for me :)
Have a good night and have an awesome day tomorrow hun!!!
Hehehe :)
If it helps, try drinking 8 oz upon rising.... once you're ready to eat then have a meal, then about an hour afterwards have another 8 oz... etc etc.
Don't drink it all at once because of your tiny frame... drink it slowly, take your time. But make sure you finish a full 8oz before you ingest ANY food.
Perhaps shoot for a daily goal of 32 oz/I liter but spread it out. Up the intake every 2 -3 days by another 8 oz until you can comfortably consume 1 liter upon rising.
This way you're still giving your body time to adjust and aren't throwing a massive amount of water into your tiny stomach. Yet, you are still providing it with better hydration... better than 16oz!
As well, a slight tinge means you are already dehydrated. When the skin is affected you are severely dehydrated. Any ounce of thirst = dehydration. Especially in our environment!
In addition, your being dehydrated may explain your cravings for juicier fruits.... especially citrus.
Perhaps bring this up with Dr. K!! See what he feels on the matter :)
3L of water a day... minimum
1L when you wake up. 2 more litres throughout the day.
1L when you wake up. 2 more litres throughout the day.
Kim, why do u always have to be so darn smart?! :-)
IDK if I am dehyrated...my urine is clear 99% of the time (it got slightly tinged yellow while on banana island, but otherwise, it has been mostly clear) and I pee all the frickin time. My skin turgor bounces back quickly. These are usually signs of dehydration, which I don't have.
1 Liter of water is A LOT for my small frame to take in at once. I'm not kidding when I say that water makes me reflux...it really aggravates my GERD, as well as contribute to my abd water retention, bloating, fullness, and constipation. Water seems to have an opposite effect on me.
Plus, with the coated tongue (from the flare-up of candida as my body is going nuts trying to figure out proper flora balance), water tastes disgusting.
The more I drink, the more edematous my ankles get as the day progresses. There have been days where my ankles get so edematous that I can draw a smiley-face on my skin due to the pitting.
I L = 4 cups = 32 ounces!!!! I dont even drink that much in a day, let alone in one sitting.
I'm not trying to be a butthead. I agree that drinking more would help, but thus far, it hasn't. It also kills any sort of appetite I might have, making it difficult for me to fit in food, since my stomach is full of water.
IDK what to do about this.... my tummy is not liking being stretched from the volume of food, so adding MORE to it will make it SCREAM!
True. A healthy body gets the water it needs from the right environment and the right foods.
We do not have healthy bodies. Nor do we live in the right environment.
We live in stale air with dry heat. We live with dust and dead skin cells. We live with toxic perfumes, cleaners, body washes, shampoos, gas fumes and cigarette smoke. ALL of which dehydrate us.
We do not live in a perfect environment wherein the perfect diet is all that would suffice.
It is crucial, absolutely crucial, to drink enough water. I'm so sorry I hadn't pieced it together sooner! You're suffering painful cramps, bloating and gas from dehydration. Sure you may have GI issues... but your body can NOT expel toxins and waste from the previous night's sleep (regeneration) if you don't restore the water it has used up. This equates to about 1 liter.
I strongly suggest first thing tomorrow morning, drinking 1 liter or damn close to it, right after waking up. You don't even need to get out of bed... have it sitting there and ready to go.
You're BM will come much easier and more frequent if you up your water intake.
I know you have an apt with Dr. K tomorrow, but it wouldn't hurt to rehydrate yourself in the morning! :)

Not much. I literally cannot drink, Kim! It really makes the bloating worse. I fill up a 20oz bottle and carry it with me during the day to sip from... I rarely ever finish it. I probably drank 16oz?? :-( FAIL.
I've read that many LFRV don't really drink much water, for they feel they get enough from the fruits. Their theory is that u don't see monkeys drinking copious amount of water throughout the day, hence we generally get most of what we need from the juiciness of our fruits and veggies....
Congrats on 2 weeks hun!!
How much water did you actually take in today ?? Are you drinking a big big glass of water upon rising ??
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