Dxs and Txs

I have tried numerous different "Healing Plans" throughout my journey towards health and well-being, none of which were successful, but only further served to perpetuate my ill-health.
Fields of Medicine:
-Allopathic/Conventional Medicine 
-Functional Medicine
-Naturopathic Medicine
-Applied Kinesiolgy
-Physical Therapy
-Intuitive Readings
-Chinese Medicine
.....I'm sure there are some I've left out.
Some Therapies/Treatments I've tried:
-Medications, anti-depressants, anti-spasmodics, birth control, miralax, LDN, etc
-Bio-Identical Hormone therapy
-Mega amounts of Celtic Sea Salt
-Mega-dosing supplements
-IV Therapy
-Chiropractic Adjustments
-Urine Therapy
-Homeopathy tinctures
-Chinese Herbs
-Oil Pulling
-MMS/Chlorine Dioxide
-Diatomaceous Earth
-Diets (Anti-Candida, raw/rare meat, 100% meat, semi-vegetarian, SCD/GAPS, high fat/high protein, bodybuilding diet, very-low carb, juicing....)
These are the diagnostic tests I've undergone, to name a few:
Colonoscopies, barium swallows, Upper/lower GI series, Defecogram, Sigmoidoscopy, blood labs, MRIs, Xrays, cultures, QEEG, ultrasounds, bone scans, ALCAT, Bio-Tek food sensitivity panel, Cyrex Gluten cross-reaction panel, ION Profile, Pharmasan Labs NeuroAdrenal profile, Metabolic Efficiency analysis, Diagnos-Techs Hormonal Profile, Metametrix stool profile, Urine Challenge test for metals, hair tests (Doctors Data and Analytical Research Labs), Doctors Data comprehensive Profile (blood, stool, hair, urine), lots of blood tests
-Frequency testing, EAV, Applied Kinesiolgy showed many viral/parasitic/bacterial/fungal/yeast infections, and confirmed the above

And, lastly, these are the myriad of diagnoses I've amassed over the years:
-Heavy Metal toxicities (mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, tungsten, copper, etc)
-Multiple bacterial/fungal infections and possible viral and parasitic infections, Candida
                -Stool test shows +4 aeromonas sobria and cerviae, 2 strains of citrobacter, klebsiella; +2 Staph and proteus, Candida parapsilosis, and +3 unidentifiable fungus.  (Possible parasite, viruses, and protozoa.  It is suspected I have Lyme Disease)
-Digestion:  LGS, IBS-Constipation, IBD-NOS, hypochloridia, abnormal stool characteristic (sticky, undigested food, mucus, blood, doesn’t come out all at once, manual evacuation, gas/bloating, pain, spasms, etc.  I can only defecate in the mornings, and it typically takes me 30-60min, but has been a bit better since starting LFRV), Rectal Prolapse and hemorroids, Food Intolerances/allergies, dysbyosis, GERD/reflux/indigestion, Malabsorption, GASTROPARESIS, poor appetite
-Compromised immune system, chemical/environmental sensitivities
-Poor Methylation/detox systems
-Poly-vagal Nervous System Dysfunction, Polarity Switch
-Pre-Diabetic and hypoglyemia
-Hypothyroid (cannot convert T4 to T3)
-adrenal fatigue
-Hormonal/neurotransmitter/nutritional imbalances, amenorrhea
-Copious phlegm production and congestion
-poor liver/kidney function
-Osteoporosis, TMJ, pelvic floor dysfunction
-Nasophyarnx cyst per MRI and inflammation throughout GI tract
-Abnormal kidney per ultrasound
-Anxiety/depression/PTSD/trichotillomania, chronic stress, indecisiveness
-Brittle hair, abnormal hair growth on face, hair loss in brow region and scalp
-Acne/boils/cysts and extremely itchy skin, fatigue, low energy, trouble sleeping, difficulty tolerating water
-Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, sore muscles/joints
-Possible pyroluria, lyme, coxsackie B (and other viruses), Phenol sensitivities….
-High Cholesterol (double since last month from 160 to 273!!!!)
-bad halitosis and coated tongue

*It is obvious that I've exhausted nearly all my options, except for one:  letting my body heal itself naturally, by providing it with the proper environment by which to do so! I have been so focused on forcing my body to do what I want it to do, which only made things worse.  I've disrespected my body, abused it, and let the "expert" advice of others perpetuate and compound this.  

We are our own best doctors and healers.  It's time to get back to basics.  It's time to let my body do what it is naturally capable of doing.  All I have to do is be kind, gentle, support, and provide it the proper nourishment to do its thang!  :-)

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