Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 3 of Healing Plan

Today was a much better day:  less anxiety, energy a bit more stable, not as much dizziness/orthostatic hypotension, no running around to be had, less emotional lability.

Sipping my juices throughout the AM and PM helped tremendously, as opposed to drinking 5-8oz at one time, then waiting 2-3 hours for the next dose.  The latter really dropped my blood sugar and energy.  I felt very unstable.  I made sure to drink water between the juice and the next "meal."

For activity, I did a light 20min yoga session, organized my kitchen (I hope to sell some things that I will never again need on Craigslist, like my Excalibur Dehydrator, two George Foreman Grills, and a slow-cooker), walked my dog around the block, and attempted a dance video, but failed and stopped.  :-)

GI-wise, I felt pretty good today.  I LOVE having no bloat!  My tummy is flat!  Yay!  The gas wasn't started after the banana-date smoothie... I swear, I react to bananas!  Perhaps it's because they are not organic, but I can't do much about that right now, for my organic bananas have a long time to go before being ripe.  No mucus-flatus that I noticed.....2 days in a row of none of that grossness!  Woot!

I did get more pronounced gas after my dinner of steamed/pureed sweet potato/squash/carrots/celery.  Perhaps tomorrow I will try not steaming it, and instead let the VitaMix "cook" it.

BMs were not good.  They started much harder with mucus, manual evac, undigested food from my cooked dinner on THURSDAY!, colon spasms, some gas/bloat.  I didn't feel fully empty, but not horrible.  I seemed to be able to go easier when I was eating the full LFRV diet.....hopefully this will turn around asap!  If not, I may have to cut out the cooked dinner (and do a second smoothie or just up the juice?)

2. Date: Saturday 12/10/11
3. Weight in pounds:   67.2 in the AM (slight decrease by 0.2 pounds)
4. How I felt today physically and emotionally:    Today was a much better day:  less anxiety, energy a bit more stable, not as much dizziness/orthostatic hypotension, no running around to be had, less emotional lability.

5. Energy level on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high):   3 much better than yesterday
6. Symptoms:   
GI-wise, I felt pretty good today.  I LOVE having no bloat!  My tummy is flat!  Yay!  The gas wasn't started after the banana-date smoothie... I swear, I react to bananas!  Perhaps it's because they are not organic, but I can't do much about that right now, for my organic bananas have a long time to go before being ripe.  No mucus-flatus that I noticed.....2 days in a row of none of that grossness!  Woot!

I did get more pronounced gas after my dinner of steamed/pureed sweet potato/squash/carrots/celery.  Perhaps tomorrow I will try not steaming it, and instead let the VitaMix "cook" it....if not, maybe I need to stop this meal????

BMs were not good.  They started much harder with mucus, manual evac, undigested food from my cooked dinner on THURSDAY!, colon spasms, some gas/bloat.  I didn't feel fully empty, but not horrible.  I seemed to be able to go easier when I was eating the full LFRV diet.....hopefully this will turn around asap!  If not, I may have to cut out the cooked dinner (and do a second smoothie or just up the juice?)
7. Main concerns/struggles:   Constipation and difficulty defecating.  Wanting to eat more (but I know my digestive system needs the rest).  Trying to rest and not overdo activity.  Drinking water

8. Questions I have:
1. Should I cut out the cooked meal, since I am getting increased gas after eating it?   OR, should i try blending it unsteamed?

2.  If u think I should cut out the cooked meal, should I add a second smoothie, or just increase the juice (and if so, which juice do I increase: the fruit/veg or veg juice)?

3.  Is it necessary to steam the sweet potato/carrots/celery/zuchinni?  I read that the vitamix can "cook" them if blended for several minutes.  Is this ok to do?  It would save a lot of time for sure!

4.  I had more energy today....does that mean I am not detoxing?????

9. My level of trust in my self-healing power is higher....50% %.
10. I am sure / unsure that I will heal and stay well (please circle one).  I'm trying to remain positive, but I fear the damage is already done
11. Healing signs:   Less bloating, but that's because I had way less in my stomach...No mucus-flatus!!!!!  I had more energy today....does this mean I am not detoxing?
12a. No. of bowel movements: 1 in AM
12b. Diarrhea? It was extremely difficult for me to defecate this morning, again. They started much harder with mucus, manual evac, undigested food from my cooked dinner on THURSDAY!, colon spasms, some gas/bloat.  I didn't feel fully empty, but not horrible.  I seemed to be able to go easier when I was eating the full LFRV diet.....hopefully this will turn around asap!  If not, I may have to cut out the cooked dinner (and do a second smoothie or just up the juice?)
12c. Blood?     A little
12d. Mucus?   A lot.  No mid-day mucus-flatus finally!
12e. Pain?   Colon spasm during BM and in AM.  No cramps today.  Minor gas-like flutters/gurglies in stomach,  slightly more gas after smoothie (banana-date...the last couple days I had persimmon-date) and even more after cooked meal (sweet potato/squash/celery/carrot puree)
13a. No. of hours of sleep: Slept-in til 5:30am (yes, that is late for me).  Approx 7-8 hours 13b. No. of hours of rest:  a good majority of the day....not sure exactly how much.  It was a good day not having to run to errands or appointments!
13c. No. of hours of work/chores: 3 or so.  Organized kitchen
13d. No. of hours of exercise:    20min light yoga, 10min light dancing, walked dog around the block
13e. Type of exercise:  yoga, dance, walked dog
14. I am / am not following the Vegan Healing Diet (please circle one).
15. Total water intake in quarts or 8 oz. glasses:     Not sure... not much, maybe 1-2 glasses over the course of the day?
16:  Meals:
8am-10:30am:  Sipped on apple-grape-celery-romaine juice thru-out the AM [Wasn't very hungry for a few hours after waking, which is NOT like me at all.  Sipping the juice over a span of a couple hours, as opposed to having 5-6oz every 2 hours, helped to stabilize my blood sugar and had me feeling more stable]

11:50am:   150g frozen banana + 4 soaked dates blended into icecream..BUT, I thawed it before I ate it, so it was more like melty-icecream.  [Yum!  Some stomach flutters/gurglies while eating... gas started around 2pm]

3:00pm-4:30pm:   16oz  carrot-celery-romaine juice  [Sipping it over a couple hours stabilized my blood sugar a little bit better  Some stomach gas-flutters, and some gas, but nothing major.  No bloat.]

5:30pm:  8oz steamed garnet yam + zucchini + carrots + celery SOUP!  Eaten pureed as a soup  [This was SO good!  But, I had way more gas during/after eating this.... :-(

20. Supplements:    Probiotic at night
21. Medications and dosage:    nada
22. Therapies:   None, except for yoga, dance, fresh air, organizing, positive thinking, LFRV diet, blogging, and lots of puppy/kitty love!
23. Medical advice received today:    None
24a. Time spent reading Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's today:   Approx 20-30min.  Reading the Juice Diet section helped
24b. Time spent studying the Vegan Healing Diet sections today:   Same
25. Other Natural Hygiene literature read today:   Browsed some food charts and website... 
26. Tests and health medical exams I am planning:   Blood test
27. Healing and lifestyle plans I am making:   Implementing the Healing Plan, positive thinking, no wt lifting, gentle exercise, increasing sleep, getting off the 30BaD forum  (I'm making my own blog instead!)
28. My affirmation of the day:    Have faith, don't lose hope, stay positive
29. I will schedule a consultation with Dr. Klein on this date:   Monday morning
30. How can Dr. Klein best support you?    Answer my questions and emails  and EXPLAIN things, b/c I'm the type of person who needs to comprehend the who/what/when/where/how/why's of things.  :-) 


  1. getting off the 30BaD forum?

  2. I'm not getting off the forum entirely, but I tend to spend too much time there, which prevents me from focusing on other aspects of my healing. I'll still be on the forum, but not quite as much!

  3. hi, Shelby! great to read your new blog! I've read all your new posts. I'm so happy Kimberley was and is such a help to you and my suggestion as I always suggest something :) is to go on with this friendship figuring out what is going on with your health and how to improve it. I mean as Kimberley know so much about you and has experienced same issues she can provide you with practical knowledge and she knows how to support you mentally as well.

    as for Dr K. he might be a good doctor but first and foremost your health is the most important thing, if you feel like eating more and not starve yourself eating/drinking mostly juices, then eat more and eat more fruits especially if you already know they help you.

    Make notes about how you feel about after eating each particular food ( greens, veggies, fruits, alone or combined, etc.). So, soon you can understand what works for you regardless what all experts say ;)

    also you can discuss this with Kim, two heads are better then one, well, not all the time ;), but surely in this case as she knows many details.

    cheers :)

  4. HEy Elenita!

    Thanks for being a faithful follower! :-)

    Yes, Kimberly rocks and is extremely knowledgeable! I'm so blessed that she has taken me under her wing!

    I totally respect Dr K, but I don't feel like I am getting the support I need. I told him from the get-go that I need a lot of "hand-holding" thru this...that daily support would be best for me. Yet, he charges for everything! Don Bennett offers daily support thru emails and 1x/week phone session in his monthly packages....but they are expensive. However, u end up getting more support and guidance, and it'd probably end up being cheaper anyways, since u can contact him as much as needed. With Dr K, I'm afraid to contact him b/c of money (and he kind of intimidates me a little). IDK what to is EXTREMELY tight and my mom would not be happy if I switch again. But, my health depends on it....however, convincing my mom is not easy, especially when money is a major issue.

    So far, this juice thing has made my constipation WORSE, not better. My body needs fiber, not juice! And the cooked meal is doing more harm than good---I've been off cooked foods for over 2 weeks....not sure why he added them in. I kinda feel like he just put me on a standard protocol....

    What would u do, if you were in my shoes? I'm desperate to get healthy, but am a bit disillusioned/frustrated by Dr K.....

  5. yeah, I see. The problem about consulting Dr K is that he would ask you if you follow his prescribtions. in case you are not, it will let him say to you "look, you are not patient enough, so, what results do you expect?" or it can be like that seeing that his diet doesnt work for you, he simply will make some changes to it accordingly to how you feel, as it already happened as he said not to drink so much juices and replace it with smoothies ( or smth like I am not sure if I remember correctly what he said to you). But in this case such changes you can do on your own without consulting with him, just relying on your "feel good".

    yeah, for me it doesnt sound really cool to eat cooked food at all and especially after being raw for 2 weeks. it seems as if he prescribes what he prescribes AS USUAL.

    I am sort of inpatient person and sometimes just the other way round I tend to be tooo patient.So, I would stay on juices for one day more or if it doesnt work as it was supposed to I d quit the entire thing or just would drink juices only when I feel like having them. Or another suggestion is to drink juices ( only juices that you like) when you are thirsty, may be instead of water as you say you have problems drinking a lot. it can happen coz water taste plain to you, but somehow you need more liquid for your body ( it is nothing strange that you crave juicy fruits:) , then hydrate youself with juices or just with juicy fruits. For ex. when you want to drink have a juicy fruit or have a glass of juice, by say an orange/tangerin juice,as tangerin is higher in calories you will stay hydrated and at the same time you'll get some calories without forcing yourself in eating an entire meal;)

    let me know what you think about.
    and may be it is wiser to spend money on food ( raw food is still better that cooked) then on consult as chances are pretty much 50/50 if it will work or not. as while i was gaining weight I only consulted my own feelings ( otherwise they would put me on cooked stuff which I didnt want at all) and especially my energy level. at that time I had no energy even to dance for 10 min. so you can imagine how it feels. but you can dance and do yoga, so believe in yourself and dance if your energy is up ;)

  6. My energy was WAY higher prior to the diet change Dr K implemented. My energy sucks now, I'm getting dizzy, I'm crabby, and my anxeity and fibromyalgia are horrible. That's not detox...that's not getting enough cals in!

    You are right... consults are good, but it is a hit-or-miss thing. Problem is, so is relying on my own senses and body cues. I had high hopes about this consult, for he touts such great success. I know I am only in Day 4, but the fact that I'm WORSE than before is worrisome.

    I also fear that this juice diet will shrink my stomach, when it was already small to begin with. Also, how is this affecting my metabolism?

    I am an inpatient person too, but tend to be patient for things I shouldn't give more time to, lol.

    Is it ok to drink juices in between meals though? Won't that potentially cause food combining issues, depending on the meal consumed and the juice drunk?

    Also, Dr K advises no citrus while healing, for it can be irritating (yet, OJ felt fine to me when I tried it).

    I am following his diet Rx, but I'm not really experiencing the results he said I would (he said I should be having "watery or loose stools" 3x per day or so...I can barely even go ONCE a day...and each day I get more constipated). So, hence my frustration. He said that if the cooked meal is giving me issues, then to cut it out. I'll try that today.

    I was just hoping for guidance as to how much to eat and when to eat, as well as to have a meal plan, so that I could make sure I am eating this diet correctly, not wasting money on food, getting the nutrients/variety I need, and making sure I am eating a healing/nourishing diet, for I felt like I was fumbling before. I didnt want to do a juice diet, b/c I felt like that was going backwards, when I had already transitioned to the LFRV diet for over 2 weeks. Again, I felt like I was put on a standard protocol.

    Adam X on 30BaD offers consults...I wish I went with him or Don. Again, any advice?

  7. when are you online on 30bad? or better I ll send you a message on 30bad ;)
