The voyage looked promising, and all the people were bounding with excitement and fully prepared with loads of luggage to begin their voyage to that exotic island full of bananay-goodness. All started off well, but soon things took a turn for the worse, with massive winds and thunder rolling in that sent the ship off its track and into the waters below. Sunk. End of the Banana Boat.
That little story metaphorically describes my journey on BI: excitement to start, stocking up on too many bananas, but then lots of wind (gas) and storms (cramps, sounds, other unpleasantries!) suddenly cropped up which made me realize that perhaps BI just wasn't for me... I need juicier fruits, thus I will "sink into the waters below" tomorrow.
My body seems to crave the more water-packed gems, as opposed to the denser fruits. I'm massively dehydrated from my previous diet...also, I tend to forget to drink water, for I'm rarely thirsty and my stomach feels too full to fit in much else!
Plus, if I look at one more banana, I'm going to scream. If anyone wants some bananas, feel free to take some off my shoulders! I have too many!
BI may work well for some, but for me, I need some variety in my diet. I just don't feel balanced, nor do I feel motivated to eat if every meal is exactly the same. I like bananas, but not enough to consume them as the only thing in my diet. Dates on the other hand.... :-)
Today was a bit better than yesterday, but I was still really gassy with mucus flatus (gross i know). The bloating was a bit worse and I had some cramps. My appetite sucked...probably b/c meals of bananas for days in a row is enough to make anyone not want to eat after a while! Plus, it was very difficult for me to get my cals high enough.
So, I think I'm going to stop BI... I really dont feel much benefit from it (if anything, it has been more difficult to poop!), and I cannot stand the look/sight/smell of bananas anymore. Banana icecream is the only palatable thing right more banana smoothie and I'll barf, seriously. IDK how people do this for weeks/months! Am I making a mistake stopping it?
Thus, I think I'll focus on juicier body seems to crave the hydration, since drinking water is something that I forget to do! Plus, water doesnt seem to hydrate me, whereas the fruits seem to. Also, I read that juicier fruits are more detoxifying than denser fruits like bananas. My urine is not as clear as it was prior to BI. Mono-meals seem to be the best option, and not mixing veggies with fruits seems beneficial as well. However, green juice and dates seemed I might save that for my dinner (but is that too high cal that late in the day?)?
Here's what I'm thinking of doing tomorrow:
-Pre-workout: 1-2 oranges (120 cals)
-1200-1600g watermelon (350-480 cals)
-500g grapes (345 cals)
-3-4 apples (312-380 cals) or maybe mangoes, if they are ripe by tomorrow
-14-16 dates blended in celery/spinach/cucumber juice (1000-1100 cals)
Cals: 2077-2424
Pro: 24g-28g
Carb: 543g-635g
Fat: 5g-6g
Vitamins: 76-77%
Minerals: 69 -73%
Fiber: 55 -64g
Does this look ok? I hope this isn't too volumous for my stomach to handle. I haven't had a mono-meal of u think this will be too filling? Any tweaks or changes?
Also, my mom actually agreed on letting me consult with Dr Klein!!!! She agreed to only ONE consult and maybe some follow-ups, but she was rather rigid about only the first consult. We'll see. I hope he can help... I hope he just doesnt offer vague advice and refer me to his book. I want specific advice and details! :-) I'll def keep u all posted on how it went. He values that people become independent, learn their body cues, and not be reliant on professions and supplements to get them by, which is refreshing.
I'm lucky that my DC is so on board with LFRV. His wife is a raw vegan chef and he follows Dr Furhman's vegan diet, but relies a lot on the theories of LFRV, too. He's very open-minded and has been helpful through my diet changes. Plus, I've been getting so much help and support from many people here, in particular one awesome gal who has been beyond awesomeness. However, getting more thorough guidance from Dr Klein would help to put the last piece of this complicated puzzle together...hopefully!
I pray I am on the right track now. It'll be really relieving to have an expert take the reigns so that I can stop stressing, follow the plan, and live my life on the other side of the computer screen!!!
Side note, I'm still waiting to hear about my new apartment... I hope it goes through, for a change of environment is much-needed. There are too many bad memories in this place, not to mention how unsafe this area is.
Good things are yet to come...I'm just praying they work in as planned (if not better than planned!)!
Hugs to u all.... and thanks for the support, advice, and kindness through this journey!
Comments from 30BaD:
omment by xShelbyx on Wednesday
I actually have an appt with him tomorrow! I'm really excited and am trying to remain hopeful that he can put this convoluted puzzle back in order!
Dr K recommends islands? IDK if he does..when I talked to him, he had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned banana island, lol. He really stresses greens, too
I had a feeling you'd get sick of the bananas. I'd continue to focus on consistently getting enough calories. Don't worry about sweet fruits or not, just eat your favorite low-fat ones and focus on the basics of sugar water sleep exercise.
Water is super essential. I remember for me it was so difficult to drink that much as well, but I made myself drinking it because it makes a huge difference. Even when I don’t want to drink I still drink it.
I have Dr. Klein’s book but I just read parts of it. A lot of people here tried this diet and improved health, or even healed their problems by following his plan. If I were you I would read his book first, and after I would call him. I am not following his plan intentionally but considering that I am on a DI it fits perfectly in Dr. Klein’s “healing diet plan”.
If you are craving oranges now I would suggest taking a break from “plans and restrictions” and enjoy whatever fruit you want for as long as you want. And when you decide that you are ready to follow a specific healing plan like Dr. Klein’s diet, you would need to give up certain fruits (especially oranges) again.
So If I were you, I would relax now, eat whatever fruit I want without restrictions, read Dr. Klein book first, after call him and then follow his program if you feel like doing it.
I wanted to get your opinion on when I should schedule my consult my Dr Klein.
I am in the processes of moving to another apartment in the next couple of weeks, not to mention the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Would it be better to wait to consult with him until after the big move and holidays, so that I can devote 100% of my time and energy towards working the healing plan? I'm already following a LFRV diet (it's been week 2 for me).
Hey ksenia!
I may take a banana holiday for a while...i really cant imagine eating them right now, unless they are in the form of banana icecream, cuz it does not have a bananay taste. Even the texture of bananas makes me want to gag right now lol
Water has always been hard for me to consume. Im lucky if i get 20oz a day. The more i drink, the more reflux, indigestion, and constipation i get, oddly. I wait to drink at least an hour after eating too. I just dont process it well. Some of the books ive read say that if u eat enuf juicy fruits, that u dont need to be as concerned with water intake compared to SAD.
How do u fit the water in?
Thanks for the tips on peeling apples. I want to do a couple days of citrus, for i am really craving the vit c after this banana thing. So, i feel like i need to almost flood myself with vit c at the moment! Did u read his book and follow his plan? What did u think of it...and of his advice/plan? Do u think itll help me?
Still going strong on date island? Im looking forward to eating dates tmw! Yay!
I may take a banana holiday for a while...i really cant imagine eating them right now, unless they are in the form of banana icecream, cuz it does not have a bananay taste. Even the texture of bananas makes me want to gag right now lol
Water has always been hard for me to consume. Im lucky if i get 20oz a day. The more i drink, the more reflux, indigestion, and constipation i get, oddly. I wait to drink at least an hour after eating too. I just dont process it well. Some of the books ive read say that if u eat enuf juicy fruits, that u dont need to be as concerned with water intake compared to SAD.
How do u fit the water in?
Thanks for the tips on peeling apples. I want to do a couple days of citrus, for i am really craving the vit c after this banana thing. So, i feel like i need to almost flood myself with vit c at the moment! Did u read his book and follow his plan? What did u think of it...and of his advice/plan? Do u think itll help me?
Still going strong on date island? Im looking forward to eating dates tmw! Yay!
That is exactly how I felt on BI, I could not even think about them.
Some advice on your new plan:
- Does not matter how many juicy fruits you are going to eat they wont replace water. I used to have problems keeping up my water intake. Drinking 1 lt. of water really helped me. It is so easy to drink it first thing in the morning before breakfast and the rest 1-2 lt. between meals.
- I know for sure that if you want to follow Dr. Klein healing diet you need to peel apples if you want to eat them. Did you read his book? I think he also suggested staying away from acidic fruits until you healed.
I hope you feel better and good luck with finding a place u truly love!
Donna: How long did ur friend stay on the golden shores of BI? It's strange how some people react to certain fruits/foods. What seemed to help ur friend?
Oh NO! So sorry you didn't get the results you were after! Especially when you were so excited and bought all those bananas, peel them when they're really ripe and wrap them up (3 or 4 together in cling film/wrap) and freeze them for future smoothies/ice cream!! One of my friends on here it turns out had a very similar experience to you :( Hope all settles down and you're feeling better soon! hugs.
Hugs to u, Amanda! Glad I can make u smile! Hopefully, the tone of the rest of my blogs will be happier, lighter, and not so distressed!
Yes, the tummy troubles are evil, aren't they? They say it will subside, but right now, it sure don't feel like it! What are u eating these days and how long have u been lfrv?
Keep up the good work, girlfriend! And if u need a fart-buddy, u know how to reach me! :-)

Aw, no worries, mandy!!! What works for one, may not work for another. It's all trial and error, right? I'm glad it's working for u!!!! Please keep me posted!
I already have a freezer-full of bananas. How long do frozen nanners last in the freezer..cuz I have enough to last me til summer, lol.
I think I may just buy bananas separately instead of by the case. I cant seem to finish them, for I dont consume 10+ per day when I'm not doing BI. Figuring out how/what/when to buy and ripen is hard! Maybe I ought to stick to fruits that dont need ripening, like apples, grapes, and dates, lol. :-P
Hey Girl! You're doing great! If Banana Island isn't for you - then pack up & leave! The main thing is to stay low fat, high carb, high fruit, raw! I'm having a bit of stomach distress at times - but I'm thinking it's just my body adjusting to all the raw fruit and veggies - instead of all the cooked and high fat crap I used to eat (even though it was Vegan!) Hang in there, girlfriend! I love your posts - because I can sooo identify and you're funny!
I've done monomeals of apples, but it was hard! Of course I was eating like 10 apples at once, not 3 or 4 :p If you blend them (just like anything else lol) it'll be easier to digest. Wish I could take those bananas off your hands, if you have room in the freezer you can throw those in too! Otherwise make tons of banana bread for coworkers? Lol are we allowed to make cooked food if we don't eat it? :p Sorry BI wasn't great for you, I feel bad for advocating it! I hope this works out better :)
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