Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 4 of Healing Plan....Frustrated

It's ironic how my anxiety runs on an every other day basis.   One day my anxiety is manageable, the next day, it's through the roof and I feel like a hamster on meth trying to study for finals.
IDK if Dr K's Healing Plan is right for me.  In a way, it feels like a regression, as opposed to a step forward.  I did not want to do a juice diet.  It was something I was thisclose to doing as a transition from the ACDiet to LFRVegan, but I decided against it.  I didn't want to risk losing weight, getting blood sugar issues, crabby, constipation, stomach shrinkage, nor the mental games that not eating can play on the psyche.  I'm experiencing all of those and NONE of the positive aspects of this whole ordeal (well, one positive is no bloating and no mucus-flatus...but that's because I HAVE NO FOOD IN ME!).  Now, I'm actually afraid to eat solid food, for I fear my body won't be able to handle it.  I was finally able to get in 2000+ cals a I'm lucky if I even hit 1000.  

I think I need to stop this before it goes too far.  If I was experiencing positive results, then yes, I'd continue.  But after 4 days, I feel worse--and not in a "yay-i'm-detoxing" sort of way, but more of an "oh-crap-this-is-doing-more-harm-than-good" sort of way.  

I actually felt like I was detoxing MORE prior to this (eating LFRV).  Banana Island was a bust, for I feel my body does best on more watery fruits and more variety.  Bananas seem do-able in limited amounts, and towards the end of the day.  And I seem to handle bananas better frozen (and made into melted icecream--not eaten frozen!)...smoothies seem to cause issues.  It could also be the fact that I've only had conventional, but I'm SOL until my organic ones ripen.  And who knows, maybe I was reacting to them because I haven't figured out what degree of ripeness my body responds to best?  Gosh, I feel like I need a PhD in Bananaolgy!

I think my problem in all of this was focusing more on stretching my stomach and getting as many cals in as possible.  With my fragile GI system, I need to take it slower and let my body adjust to several factors:
-Sugar and fruit (things I haven't had in YEARS)
-Fiber (going from 20g to 60+g nearly overnight was probably a bit of a shock to my colon)
-Hydration (the ACDiet is very dry and dehyrating)
-Nutrients (I was eating dead foods on the body probably freaked with getting nutrients!)
-Volume (my ACDiet was low volume and calorie-dense...totally opposite of LFRVegan)
-Digestibility/Assimilation factor (ACDiet is very taxing on the GI, whereas LFRV is less)
-Metabolic shifts (I was running on ketones before....switching over to glucose is a big change)
-Dysbiosis (fat/pro in my blood is not helping my gut flora issue...until that clears, my infections will still be present)

I'm sure there are other factors, but those are biggies.  However, I doubt that drinking only juice (with one small smoothie for lunch) is going to help my situation.  I think that trying to:
-listen to my body
-eat until I'm comfortably full (and not what other people tell me is "full"....then to "eat beyond fullness to stretch the stomach and pound the cals in!")
-hydrate as best as I can (and don't worry if I don't meet the randomly picked 3L per day)
-eat what I feel is appealing (and only in the amount I feel is necessary, according to body cues)
-Eat in small, manageable amounts, in as many meals as necessary
-Eat high water-content foods, especially in the AM
-Add dates to help with calorie level
-Add greens if tolerated (maybe doing a green juice at night would be best for now?)

I got this helpful email, which gives excellent guidelines:

I understand your reluctance to do things yourself, but the reality is whether you get support or not, you are still doing it yourself to some extent. You need to change the way you think of gut infections as being a cause of a problem rather than a symptom of a problem in order to move forwards. You know your gut is a mess because you have had stool samples indicating it is a mess. But that only tells you what your gut flora looks like based on your previous dietary history and it is subject to change all of the time.

Your dietary changes to a lfrv diet will change the gut flora, but it won't happen over night, whether you work with someone or not. If your digestive system is a mess, it will take time to improve.What you need to do is be persistent, consistent and record your experiments like a scientist. Be objective about your symptoms by writing them down and tracking your diet every single day. You will find your digestive system will be a mess for a bit because you are backed up chronically. The inflammation and gut flora will still be screwed up, but will start to improve quickly, IF YOU LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.

The thing you have to realise is that NO-ONE ELSE can tell you anything that will be guaranteed to be true. Here is the thing that no practitioner will ever tell you: It is all educated guess work and experimentation. No practitioner is ever 100% confident that their recommendations will get results. They won't ever tell you that, but it is nonetheless true. Anyone who understands the idea of biochemical individuality understands that you can make some very educated guesses based on your understanding of biochemistry, physiology and nutrition and often hit the mark. But sometimes things won't go the way you expect.

If you are used to being the exception, rather than the rule, then you need to realise that looking for answers outside of yourself through other 'experts' isn't a sure fire way to get the results you want. You might get lucky, but you could end up broke and still sick. Especially since diet is not the only factor in health.

And the money that you could spend working with a coach could be spent on food, or some cranio-sacral therapy, or a good massage, or a good tai chi/yoga session and you may (or may not) get the same or more benefit. 

Personally, THE ONLY THING I CAN REALLY GUARANTEE YOU SHOULD DO is to listen to your body when you do things. Pay close attention, observe patterns, results and try and consider a number of variables that might affect the results you are getting. Be patient and willing to make mistakes, to learn and to trust that you will get there in the end.

You are looking for health in the way most people approach their MD; By looking for relief, seeking the comfort and reassurance of someone who is apparently more of an expert on health than you are. This will not get you the results you need because it just reinforces the mistrust in yourself. 

It can be very therapeutic and reassuring to get support from a trained and reassuring practititioner. This is a large part of the benefit and I totally understand why you want the support. But if you cannot afford it, you may end up feeling more stressed in the process.

My main advice for you at this point in time:

What I have already recommended - Listen to your body.
I know you are reluctant to under/over eat but just start simply.

1. Eat one type of food at a time. If you are going to consume more than one food then ONLY do so if it is one type of fruit and one tender leafy green (like spinach - it may be an issue for you, I didn't like spinach for years, but it may also not. Your body will let you know if it is an issue for you).The fewer the combinations of food you eat, the clearer the results will be about what is or isn't agreeing with your body.

2. Focus on higher water content foods. If your body is inflamed and exhausted, eating denser fruits like bananas may be a problem for you. Especially if they aren't properly ripened or if they are over-ripe.

3. Focus on foods you enjoy. Your body knows what fruits are best for you. If you really like a food, and feel good during and after eating it and it digests well later on, then it was probably a good idea.

4. If you want to slow down the release of sugars further, the best way to do so is with some tender greens. Some people do better eating greens with their fruit or before their fruit, or before, during and after. Some people can't digest any greens at all. Some people can digest certain greens but not others. Pay attention to your body once again.

5. Don't eat huge meals. Eat a comfortable amount, but eat more meals if that rests your digestive system a little.

6. Start the day with the highest water content fruits, then move onto the more difficult to digest fruits (generally they are thicker or have more insoluble fibre with them.

7. Relax and pay attention before, during and after eating. Sit up straight, rather than slouching, during and after meals.

8. Personally, I would disagree with the classic NH position on water (which as DK says is to drink only as much as you desire). I personally would recommend you drink a at least 250mls every hour or 500mls water every couple of hours or 1 litre 30-40 minutes before any meal you do.An absolute maximum of 4 litres of water should be consumed, but an absolute minimum of 2 litres. What is important is not to drink too much water close together (ie. don't drink all 4 litres within 2 hours. Your stomach only has the capacity to hold 1.5 litres easily at any one time, so if you over-stretch it, you just place more stress on your stomach and kidneys). Your body will need the water to flush out all the toxins, and to soften the stools.

9. I would agree with DK that the only exercises to do would be yoga, tai chi/qigong (things which focus on breathing and muscular/nervous system relaxation.And not your bikram yoga or ashtanga yoga. Something that relaxes the body whilst working it, like hatha yoga.

10. Consume  a small glass of green juice, if desired, but made of some of the higher protein greens, like kale, collards, spinach etc. rather than just lettuce. Consume these as often as you care for, but not as a replacement for water or food. And not more than 200mls at any one time. Again, pay attention to how your body reacts and what it reacts best to. Does the type of greens, or the quantity or frequency make a difference?

11. It is ok to blend food, but make sure you chew it in your mouth like you would with food before swallowing. Eat as much food as you can though, rather than just relying on blended food. It is a balance between eating enough and not enough.

12. Above all else, be willing to change what you are doing if you feel like something isn't working for you. Try different foods, different times of day, different quantities.

13. Remember that symptoms WILL NOT IMPROVE COMPLETELY OVERNIGHT. Gas, bloating, mucus etc. are all common symptoms when people have inflammation initially. Because you are essentially adding sugars into a system that has high levels of unexcreted, high protein, high fat, low fibre, hardened faeces, with screwed up flora ratios. Until your body is having 4 regular bowel movements per day you will still find you have gas, mucus etc. However once your bowels start softening and emptying regularly, you will notice significant improvements in this. Your flora will then start rebalancing really quickly.

14. The same things apply to transition on to food from the juice diet as before. You choose higher water content, easy to digest foods, eaten in small amounts to the degree you can manage, and eat as many meals as you feel you need.

I understand it is difficult. But try to just focus on your body, rather than your symptoms. You cannot build rome in a day and neither can you build your health in a day, nor all at once. It only gets built brick by brick. Day by day. Forget about your heavy metals, your gut flora imbalances, your adrenal issues. Focus on listening to your body, seeing how you respond to different foods and experimenting and adapting accordingly. Focus on relaxing and giving your body plenty of rest.

I really appreciate those helpful tips.  However, IDK how to implement them into a day's worth of meals.  I feel like such an idiot, to be honest...but I understand what he was saying about how no one knows me better than me, but honestly, idk how to eat anymore.  My head is flooded with conflicting info, and there is even a bunch of conflicting info out there.  For example: Dr K says spinach is bad b/c of this true?  It never really seemed to bother me, unless I wasnt aware of the damage it was causing.  Also, some say to avoid dates if u have candida due to this true?  Won't soaking them prevent that?  I thought all fruits were good, as long as u dont eat fats?

So, my questions, based on his advice are:
1. Do I do only mon-meals AND mix it with 1 green?  (So, I should not mix dates and bananas or datesa and persimmons? I usually add dates to help with the calorie issue....but if this is not good, let me know)

2.What watery fruits/veg are recommended?

3.  Should carrots be avoided?

4.  Are frozen-then-thawed bananas ok?  For some reason, these seem more tolerable than fresh.  Should I stick to organic bananas?

5.  Is it best to blend greens with fruits or eat them whole?  How much greens per meal?  Some say to only eat greens at night...see how confusing this is for me?

6.  How big should my meals be?  On 30bad, they say to eat past fullness.  How do I know when to stop eating?  When I'm "comfortable" or do I push it past that level a bit?  I know getting enough cals in is an issue... so, how many ounces/grams/serving size of whole fruit should my meals be?  And, how often should I eat (graze?  set meals? how many meals/snacks?)

7. Water:  for some reason, I dont tolerate water well.  it tends to constipate me and make me feel full/cause gerd.  Why is this?  

8.  Green juice:  When do I drink this?  AM? between meals?  as a dinner?  before bed?  Some say to only do it at night, as it messes with energy levels. 

9.  How slowly do I eat?  I see some people spacing their meals out over an hour, but is this bc the portion size is huge (ie. 10+ bananas in a smoothie)?

10.  How many cal should i eat?  I'm much smaller than the average adult...or kid

 I've tried so many diets/supplements/herbs/treatments/etc and each one wrecked my body...and caused me great confusion as to how to actually be healthy and how to eat.  This diet especially throws all conventional knowledge out the window, so I really feel like I have to rewire everything. 

I just want a meal plan.  I seriously dont know how to implement this for myself, despite spending literally thousands of hours researching and consulting with other people and spending a ton of money on books and other resources.  

Why is this so hard for me?

IDK if I should do another appt with Dr K... It's a lot of money and IDK if it is a right match for me.  I kinda wish I went with another coach, like DB or A.  Maybe this is a sign (yet again) that I need to learn to trust myself and not rely on the advice of others....for, as they say, we are our own best doctors/healers.  But, guidance would be helpful b/c IDK how to eat on this diet, while ensuring I don't overstress my digestive system, and while giving my body enough fuel to function, but not too much so that it is overburdened by trying to digest and thus cannot detox.  

This diet is much easier if you went into it without health issues.  

2. Date: Saturday 12/11/11
3. Weight in pounds:   67.4 in the AM (slight increase by 0.2 pounds)
4. How I felt today physically and emotionally:    BAD ANXIETY!!!  Blood sugar a bit more stable due to sipping juice all day.  No cooked meal helped with gas

5. Energy level on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high):   3 .... but mostly adrenaline/anxiety type of energy
6. Symptoms:   
GI-wise, I felt pretty good today.  I LOVE having no bloat!  My tummy is flat!  Yay!  The gas wasn't bad...but I did notice a bit of GI upset during/after the smoothie, probably from my body adjusting to having food??  No mucus-flatus that I noticed.....2-3 days in a row of none of that grossness!  Woot!

BMs were STILL not good.  They started much harder with mucus, manual evac, undigested food from my cooked dinner on THURSDAY!, colon spasms, some gas/bloat.  I didn't feel fully empty, but not horrible.  I seemed to be able to go easier when I was eating the full LFRV diet.....hopefully this will turn around asap!  IDK if the juice diet is helping...
7. Main concerns/struggles:   Constipation and difficulty defecating.  Wanting to eat more (but I know my digestive system needs the rest).  Trying to rest and not overdo activity.  Drinking water.  I am doubting if the juice diet is helping or hurting.  It is messing with my head and if kind of making me scared to eat again.  I feel like the juice diet was a regression, not a step forward (I had already adjusted to the LFRV diet and my BMs were better than on the ACDiet and this juice diet)

8. Questions I have:
1.  Should I stop the juice diet?

1. Do I do only mon-meals AND mix it with 1 green?  (So, I should not mix dates and bananas or datesa and persimmons? I usually add dates to help with the calorie issue....but if this is not good, let me know)

2. What watery fruits/veg are recommended?

3.  Should carrots be avoided?

4.  Are frozen-then-thawed bananas ok?  For some reason, these seem more tolerable than fresh.  Should I stick to organic bananas?

5.  Is it best to blend greens with fruits or eat them whole?  How much greens per meal?  Some say to only eat greens at night...see how confusing this is for me?

6.  How big should my meals be?  On 30bad, they say to eat past fullness.  How do I know when to stop eating?  When I'm "comfortable" or do I push it past that level a bit?  I know getting enough cals in is an issue... so, how many ounces/grams/serving size of whole fruit should my meals be?  And, how often should I eat (graze?  set meals? how many meals/snacks?)

7. Water:  for some reason, I dont tolerate water well.  it tends to constipate me and make me feel full/cause gerd.  Why is this?  

8.  Green juice:  When do I drink this?  AM? between meals?  as a dinner?  before bed?  Some say to only do it at night, as it messes with energy levels. 

9.  How slowly do I eat?  I see some people spacing their meals out over an hour, but is this bc the portion size is huge (ie. 10+ bananas in a smoothie)?

10.  How many cal should i eat?  I'm much smaller than the average adult...or kid

11.  Are dates to be avoided if one has candida (due to a possible mold issue wit dried fruits)?  Would soaking and/or de-skinning them negate the possible mold issue, or is there no mold on them in the first place?

12.  I never seemed to have an issue with juiced spinach...and I REALLY crave it (the nutrients are excellent).  Does juicing spinach take out teh oxalates...and are oxalates really an issue?  What is the problem with them?

13.  I REALLY need a meal plan!

9. My level of trust in my self-healing power is Not good %.
10. I am sure / unsure that I will heal and stay well (please circle one).  I'm trying to remain positive, but I am really confused and feel really lost
11. Healing signs:   Less bloating, but that's because I had way less in my stomach...No mucus-flatus!!!!!  I had more energy today....does this mean I am not detoxing?
12a. No. of bowel movements: 1 in AM
12b. Diarrhea? It was extremely difficult for me to defecate this morning, again. They started much harder with mucus, manual evac, colon spasms, some gas/bloat.  I didn't feel fully empty, but not horrible.  I seemed to be able to go easier when I was eating the full LFRV diet.....hopefully this will turn around asap!  
12c. Blood?     More than yesterday, due to the straining and manual evacuation.  The juice diet is causing more colon/rectum inflammation than the LFRV diet bc it is constipating me
12d. Mucus?   A lot.  No mid-day mucus-flatus finally!
12e. Pain?   Colon spasm during BM and in AM.  No cramps today.  Minor gas-like flutters/gurglies in stomach,  slightly more gas after smoothie 
13a. No. of hours of sleep: Slept-in til 5:30am (yes, that is late for me).  Approx 7-8 hours
13b. No. of hours of rest:  a good majority of the day....not sure exactly how much.  
13c. No. of hours of work/chores: Not much
13d. No. of hours of exercise:    20min
13e. Type of exercise:  bodyweight, walk dog
14. I am / am not following the Vegan Healing Diet (please circle one).
15. Total water intake in quarts or 8 oz. glasses:     Not sure... not much, maybe 1-2 glasses over the course of the day?
16:  Meals:
7:30am-940am:  Sipped on apple-grape-celery-romaine juice thru-out the AM 

11:30am:   1 persimmon + 100g frozen banana + 4 soaked dates blended into a pudding [Yum!  Some stomach flutters/gurglies while eating... a bit of gas.  Is this bad combining?]

3:00pm-bedtime:   24oz  carrot-celery-romaine juice  [minor gas...nothing major.  much better without cooked meal]

20. Supplements:    Probiotic at night
21. Medications and dosage:    nada
22. Therapies:   None
23. Medical advice received today:    None
24a. Time spent reading Self Healing Colitis & Crohn's today:   5-10min
24b. Time spent studying the Vegan Healing Diet sections today:   Same
25. Other Natural Hygiene literature read today:   Browsed some ebooks, food charts and website... 
26. Tests and health medical exams I am planning:   Blood test
27. Healing and lifestyle plans I am making:   Implementing the Healing Plan, positive thinking, no wt lifting, gentle exercise, increasing sleep, getting off the 30BaD forum  (I'm making my own blog instead!)
28. My affirmation of the day:    Have faith, don't lose hope, stay positive
29. I will schedule a consultation with Dr. Klein on this date:   Monday morning
30. How can Dr. Klein best support you?    Answer my questions and emails  and EXPLAIN things, b/c I'm the type of person who needs to comprehend the who/what/when/where/how/why's of things.  :-) 
31. Other info:   I think we need to re-evaluate the juice diet.....I was already transitioned to the LFRV and hadnt had cooked foods in weeks.  This is causing me more constipation and inflammation due to the low fiber and difficulty with BMs.  However, my bloat is gone and I dont have mucus-flatus


  1. just have seen your new post and now it is time to read it through :)

  2. Hey Elena!

    cant wait to hear your insight! This AM has been bad....really bad bloat and BM. Is this a sign I should stop the juice feast and just EAT?!

    If so, what/how should I eat? Should I just focus on watermelon today to get my body used to fiber....or should I just jump into a diet like this:

    -apples, pears, or persimmon
    -melty/nonfrozen banana/date icecream
    -green juice at night

    I think this juice feast didnt serve me well. Should i consult with Dr K one last time or just give it up?

  3. u ve got a really supportive and informative e-mail. I agree almost about everything except of water intake as I think it is pretty much for u now.

    answering your questions:
    1. yes, only one fruit at a time, better without mixing it with greens while eating fruit. better it greens in small ammounts before fruits or after.

    2.all watery fruits are OK as long as u are not very keen on lemons ;) if u are not sure about some of them in particular, ask . but it is preferables to juice them . in this case yes, I am in favor of juicing, since u prevent a big intake of a hard digestible fiber as your digestive system is fragile at the moment. so it is better to avoid at the moment a fiber from roots. and besides with juice u will get many minerals even if u dont get enough of them from fruits.

    4. frozen and then melted are not OK to say u the truth because of chemical difference in their molecular structure caused by freezing.
    it is better to eat bananas in the evening or at the second half of the day as u ve already figured out with your intuition;) the key point is if they are ripe or not, less important if they are conventional or organic as long as u wont stick eating them all the rest of your life. comparatively to the harm which cook food can cause or even worse supplements or medication, conventional bananas are supreme nectar of Gods:)

    5.find out for yourself if blend them or not, but as I said previously , if u eat just one kind of fruit at a time, then there is no question about blending greens. eat them whole but just in little quantities, even better throughout the day. NO RULE about eating them just in the evening. eat when u want them. I d even suggest eating them only when u want and not because somebody said they are a great source of minerals and vitamins. even though I agree on that very much, but the point is NOT to force yourself into eating what you dont like. just eat something from greens which u like most. Kale is difficult at the beggining, well, at least for me was. the most pleasant are spinach and celery ( for me :).

    so this question we will let stay open. with time u will understand. as this intelligent person said in e-mail, changes will not happen overnight. u will start feeling improvements in your health but gradually.

    6. dont force yourself into eating past fullness!! may be all this big athlets ;) they can do this now, but for u first and foremost is to establish proper functioning of your digestive system. Remember this,thus be kind and gentle to your body. in other words dont use heavy weapons feeding it with HUG meals.

    7.water: listen to the feeling of your thirst. yes, yes, although they say it is late to drink when u feel thirsty, but again lets treat persons individually. in your case we cant apply this rule now. u are in healing process with little stomach volume. I'll write u more about this subject later. long as u get enough greens during the day u dont need any extra green juice , nor in am, neither pm. BUT see for yourself, if u really crave it, surely do it, better in the first half of the day, cause it is not super tasty ( I mean not delicious sweety as fruits, so it will leave sort of unsatisfied at the end of the day, your taste buds will not be very happy about it :)if u dont mix a juice from greens with some kinf of fruits, but as u remember it is better not to mix things for now, so the only answer is pure green juice.

  4. long as u get enough greens during the day u dont need any extra green juice , nor in am, neither pm. BUT see for yourself, if u really crave it, surely do it, better in the first half of the day, cause it is not super tasty ( I mean not delicious sweety as fruits, so it will leave sort of unsatisfied at the end of the day, your taste buds will not be very happy about it :)if u dont mix a juice from greens with some kinf of fruits, but as u remember it is better not to mix things for now, so the only answer is pure green juice.

    8.enjoy food u eat and take your time for this.

    9.calories: I have a little trick . during the day while eating, try to avoid counting calories, just eat as much as u want. the key point is to be satiated or if it is difficult for u to feel it ( as u once said), then consult the feeling of fullness. even if u feel full after eating your food, but then suddenly want something just in 15-20 min. , dont be confused or ask youself what happens, just eat more. then at the end of the day u can count your calories provided that during the day u've noted what u have eaten and how much. it would be even better if u could avoid any calculations for some days ( just writing down what u have eaten in order to put it on cronometer later). why should u do like that? coz it will allow u to know exactly how u feel after eating just what u want and how much u want. it is important. as later after counting how many calories u ve eaten during these days or day u will understand your average calory needs.u creat your own model with which u can consult and compare the other days. the ammount of calories might be less then recommended , but it is OK for now. the thing is that u just have to know with which calories u feel OK and have enough energy, it is like the first step of the journey of gaining weigh. later u can increase your calory's intake step by step based on the sample of the first days. it is like flying on the plane.u just have to have time to accelerate :) I think u've got the point. my post was too long as Blogger says, I had to divide it :)

  5. I am not sure about calling DK. but if it will not make a big difference on your budget to call him just for a few minutes, then call, otherwise u still will be in doubt about him as a practitioner. u should know just for sure, u quit this entire thing without any regret.

    and yes, if honestly speaking I think it doesnt work for u, this way at least. and u are not in such a condition to wait too long to see the results in a long future. instead u have to see a good results NOW. for u it is of GREAT important as u cant allow yourself to loose weight anymore, it doesnt matter while detoxing or just on this diet.

  6. well,
    -apples, pears, or persimmon
    -melty/nonfrozen banana/date icecream
    -green juice at night"

    they are all good in my opinion. green juice??? what is it in?

  7. WOW, Elena!

    I should have saved money and just consulted with YOU! U gave me more insight than I could have ever asked! Thank u times a billion!!!!

    1. So, I should not have a meal of say bananas and dates? (This is my fav meal!) It is best to just have ONE fruit, even if it is proper combining???

    2. maybe for now, I'll just stick to a green juice at night, if I can tolerate it or am hungry for it. Is it ok to add a few ounces of green juice to a smoothie...or not?

    3. What is your opinion on the Oxalates in spinach? Is this something that is harmful?

    4. Thanks for the support on not forcing my stomach with too much food or water. I totally agree and I think that's where I failed previously. Also, I dont think it's healthy to drink or eat when not hungry or when too full. I think relying on body cues is very vital.

    5. GREAT suggestion about counting cals! I usually add dates at the end of the day to "make up" for any short falls (my usual evening meal is bananas and dates blended) this a meal that is ok to do? How do I know how much to eat (I dont want to "over-make" a smoothie and not finish it, but IDK how much my stomach can handle).

    6. Why are frozen bananas not ok? I would waste SO many if I didnt freeze them. It seems like everyone on 30bad freezes them...and for me, I tend to tolerate them better, probably BECAUSE the cell membranes are broken down (thus making them easier to digest).

    7. So, in your opinion, organic fruits are not a big issue? Conventional are ok? I just fear the chemicals...but they are much cheaper----but at what cost to my health? Which should I always get organic and which are ok conventional?

    8. If I do call Dr K....what should I discuss?

    Luv you and your continued support!!! Thanks SO much!

  8. Elena, can u give me a typical day's diet (foods, meals, amounts, times of day, cals) that u are eating now?

  9. My green juice is typically 4-6oz of juice consisting of spinach, lettuce, and celery and maybe come cucumber

  10. 1. if it is your favorite for now, then do it! one of the key issues now is that u enjoy it (as none of your previous diets u've enjoyed.)dont deprive yourself of it and even the combo is OK.

    2.I see. try to do what u suggest. I just havent suggested it because of my personal tastes. I've become over-sensitive to smells as many people on this diet :) . well, if I add some of greens in my bananas or in any fruit juice I will notice the smell of by say celery or even less smelly greens in it and it will spoil my enjoyment of a meal without saying if I will notice a flavor of any of these greens. as u see it is no harm to your body to add just a little, just a matter of taste :)

    3. that is what wiki say about it.
    "But some studies have found that the addition of oxalic acid to the diet may improve iron absorption in rats over a diet with spinach without additional oxalic acid.[15]


    Spinach also has a high calcium content. However, the oxalate content in spinach also binds with calcium, decreasing its absorption. Calcium and zinc also limit iron absorption.[16] The calcium in spinach is the least bioavailable of calcium sources.[17] By way of comparison, the body can absorb about half of the calcium present in broccoli, yet only around 5% of the calcium in spinach."

    as u see, there are pros and contras , kale is also high in oxalate content, that's why I think it's better go for variety and not stick for too long to one product. each one has its benefits. as long as u dont eat your greens by tonnes, have no concern.

    5. yeah, with smoothy it is a bit of a problem to do just the right quantity...may be to do it not to late in the evening just to be able to drink it throughout the evening if it is not boring to you.

    6. yeah, that can be the reason why it is easier for u to eat bananas after freezing them, because of change of their molecular structure. then it is OK for now. But yes, I dont support this idea of freezing bananas just for the sake of freezing and then making something from them. I understand your case, otherwise u'd waste a lot of them, but again it is just a matter of necessity for u. as they say on 30bad in a section FAQ "if u eat very often bananas icecream then definetely u are deprived of something while doing HCRV diet". I think it is OK while transitioning or at the beggining, but not when people are for years on this diet. So, no concern about it, just eat them, u are still at the very beginning.

    7. For now it is not an issue.if u stick to eating dozens of bananas daily during years, it can be not good, but for now it is OK. besides in different seasons u will eat different fruits, so u will have a variation anyway. by the way IMO bananas are good at the beginning because they make people feel full and satiated easier then other watery fruits and this is important for many folks and they come from high fat diets. bananas make the transitioning easier as well as dates. IDK what bananas u have in US, from which exporter, so it is hard to advice about it. also I think if u like mangoes, eat them, they are OK with calories , but at the same time have higher water content.

    8.better to talk about "results" u have following juice feast and see what he says in reply . and also see what u can ask him what concerns u most, may be about fiber issues. but u see, the more questions u'll ask him the longer will be the consultation... but will u get the desirable/ useful answers? that is the question. anyway if u call him, after the first question I think u will understand if u should go on with them or not.

  11. I started eating foods again and have been taking it slow:

    800g watermelon
    350g mango
    350g grapes
    and trying to drink a lot
    for dinner, I made a 350g banana + 7 date smoothie....and after a few bites, my stomach immediately cramped up so badly that I was nearly in tears. What the heck is going on? This meal never gave me this reaction before. Did this juice diet really f-up my stomach and digestion?

