Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The End of the Juice Feast

This thread details my dilemmas and difficulties:

I felt in my heart that the juice fast was a bad idea from the get-go, but I didn't want to contradict the "expert"...which I should have done!  I need to learn to advocate for myself better...but when I do, it only frustrates people.  It's as though people expect me to be submissive, despite my inner-Aries yearning to be heard and lead!  Thus, the inner conflict grows inside, leading to much anxiety and internal angst....and GI issues.

The day went well and I felt pretty confident that I was taking charge of MY health and not relying on so-called experts (for this has always failed in the past...when will i learn from my mistakes?!).

I ate:
-800g watermelon (this filled me up FAST!  Man, my stomach shrunk already :-()

-350g mango smoothie (I hate the red/green mangoes....never buying those again!  Give me the yellow ones instead!)

-400g red grapes

-350g banana + 8 dates melted icecream...tasted devine, but after a few bites, I immediately developed such intense cramps and some gas that I had to stop (Simon, my dog, enjoyed the rest of it, lol).

-I snacked on some food at Whole Foods (fuyu persimmon, a couple grapes to taste-test to see if they were sweet...they were not)... then when I got home, I had some dates.  There is a big diff between the ones from TJs (which were so hard and had icky skin) vs the ones a friend had given me from 7hotsdates (so soft and yummy) vs the ones from Costco (they looked/tasted fake...definitely not natural)  vs the ones from the mediteranean store (better than TJs, but not as good as 7hotdates).

-8oz spinach. celery, cucumber juice...this felt/tasted great!

I was really upset that I reacted to the last meal...it's my fave and it's one I couldn't wait to eat! IDK if it was the dates I reacted to (TJ's dates looked kinda odd... and when I soaked them, the skins were not soft but the insides were very bloated and lost their flavor.  Also, the water had bubbles).  ....or I could have reacted to the bananas (usually frozen ones sit better, but maybe I'm reacting to the pesticides?  I wish my organic ones would ripen so I can see if these make a diff!).

How do I know what I am reacting to (dates? bananas?  combo?)?  Should I try this meal again, but try a different brand of date?  Should I just try the bananas?  Should I just try the dates?   I REALLY crave this meal!

The green juice is awesome and I will continue to do this.

I downloaded a meditation/brain wave app on my phone and played it while I slept.  I hope it subconsciously helped my anxiety while I slept!

When I woke up, I drank some water, then about 15min later, actually had the urge to poop!  Havent had that happen in awhile!  YAY for fiber!  Not to get graphic, but it was watery/almost explosive at first, then loose/soft.  It came out much easier than when one the juice diet and I felt pretty empty afterwards.  It seemed like everything I ate the day before came out... and it took only 25-30min or so.  Phew!  I was afraid I wouldn't be able to go!

For exercise this AM, I did an at-home 15min upper body/ab thing from OnDemand and some abs.

Not sure exactly how to eat today....I went to WFs and TJs yesterday, but there are NO strawberries due to bad weather in CA. My persimmons are not nearly ripe.

All I have is
oranges and tangerine (i doubt they are ripe yet)
bananas  (should I try these again?!)
pineapple..but every time ive tried it, it burns my tongue

Not yet ripe are

Winter is a dead-zone for fruits!


I'm going to order those dates and ask for some for xmas.  I got lots of errands to do today too.

I wish I knew what to eat now.  I like combining foods (like apple and dates, persimmons and dates, bananas and dates....it helps me get my cals in and it sweetens the meal).

Maybe I'll have grapes, then apples, then try my banana/date thing again (but with better dates)?  I guess the only way I'll know what I reacted to yesterday is if I try it again, but change on variable (dates)...right?

Luv and fruit to u all!

And a shout out to elena, Chris, Kim, grace, and all the others who have been so kind to me!

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