Thursday, December 1, 2011

First Week as a LFRVegan in Review

So today marks my first week as a LFRVegan (well, I actually began it last Tuesday 11/22/11, but I fasted for the first half of the day to ease my transition.... but let's not get too technical, lol).

Boy, does it feel GREAT to be able to call myself VEGAN once again.  I already feel light years better, for I have my identity back.  Being forced to eat meat definitely affected my health, but it also affected my spirit--the core of who I am, was, and strived to be.  I became veg at a very young age---basically as soon as I found out that meat came from animals.  Unfortunately, no one in my family knew how to feed a vegetarian, thus I basically ate anything that didn't contain meat:  lots of HoHo's, twinkies, fruit roll-ups, rice-a-roni, mac and cheese, spaghetti O's, white bread, dairy, cheese, eggs, cakes, cookies.  :-P  At age 14, I became vegan, but relied heavily on processed fake-meats, seitan, and tofu, and very little, if any, fruits and veggies.  No wonder I quickly developed food allergies and GI issues!

I've always had GI issues.  Chalk it up to a combo of poor diet, lots of stress/trauma, heavy metal toxicities (I had significant exposure to mercury as a toddler), and just a crappy body...who knows?  My weight has always been a battle for me (chubby kid, underweight adolescent and adult) due to the digestive issues and subsequent health issues that spiraled from it.  

However, I didn't let that prevent me from being involved in some sports growing up:  track, cross-country, swimming, and my real love of weight lifting/bodybuilding.  Around age 18-20, I was strong, fit, muscular, and training towards a figure show.  People would come up to me at the gym and marvel at my strength and physique.  I could squat 3 plates on each side on the Smith machine for 15+ reps, then quickly do drops sets, decreasing the weight til I stripped the bar.  I could curl 25 pounds in each hand for 15 reps, no spotter.  I could do 15 chin-ups unassisted.  I could deadlift 140 pounds off the bench.  And, I was vegan at the time and 90-93 pounds dripping wet, yet I lifted as much as the Big Boys!  The pressure to eat meat was high, but I happily sipped my soy shakes and the proceeded to out-lift the Brahs.  :-)

Unfortunately, my health took a nose-dive and I lost the muscle I worked so hard to achieve.  Now, as a 25 year old, I have the health that rivals most 85 year olds, thanks to my digestive issues, heavy metal toxicities, immune system dysfunction, nervous system overload, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, food intolerances, adrenal exhaustion, hypothyroid, severe gut bacterial/fungal and possibly parasitic/viral infections, possible Lyme Disease, name it, I've probably been diagnosed with it.  I have a file folder over 4 inches thick worth of thousands of dollars in test results.  I've seen countless doctors who only see me as a dollar sign, not as someone they want to help heal.  I just threw away 3 large shopping bags full of supplements that I've had to take over the past year alone.  

Well, I'm DONE having my body be a guinea pig.  I'm done taking over 10 pills with each meal (plus severa more in between).  I'm done eating meat because "my body needs the protein."  I'm done avoiding carbs and fruits because "these will feed the candida and infections."  I'm done paying craploads of money in supplements and doctors whom only serve to further toxify and overwhelm my confused and stressed body.

The anti-candida diet was killing me.  for instance, my cholesterol DOUBLED in one month's time from 160 to 275.  Yikes.  Not cool for a 25 year old.  That number rivals an obese man with CHF.  :-(  Thank GOD I didn't follow the advance of one doctor to go on GAPS Diet.  That would've killed me (80% of the diet as fat!)

It's time to get back to basics.  Time to cut the crap.  Time to KISS!

So far, being LFRV for only a week has been amazing.  My body LOVES the glucose.  It has been running on ketones for so long that it almost doesn't even know what to do with the proper fuel I'm providing it!  My energy is kind of unstable, but the fact that I actually HAVE energy is amazing! However, my body is going through a major metabolic, chemical, flora, hormonal, neurotransmitter, mineral/vitamin, (etc) things are probably going to be rocky for some time.  I might try to consult with a coach soon, but I'll probably try to get my body used to things first before jumping to that.  However, advice is always welcome (and needed!!!!).

Some changes I've noticed:
-My CFS/Fibro went away almost instantly (by the second day).
-I no longer had pain when I awaken
-I can walk up the stairs without getting winded or feeling like my legs are going to break off
-I can workout now without feeling like a weakling (despite being a weakling at the moment...hopefully that will soon change!)
-my skin is holding color/a tan instead of looking gray and dead
-I sleep more soundly....but I can only sleep 5 hours still.  However, I fall asleep easier and wake up faster (probably because I have to pee badly, which is a new thing!)
-I wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day, as opposed to barely being able to get out of bed due to massive soreness, fatigue, and depression
-My mood is better, but the anxiety is still bad.  I think once I get the hang of the diet and my symptoms start improving, that will decrease.  The depression was horrendous before, though.
-I can take deep breaths now.  I wasn't able to before (probably from the ammonia build-up and toxins)
-I'm peeing all the time--clear!  Before, my urine was dark and very sedement-y and had a medicinal smell (from the supplements not being absorbed!)
-BMs are a bit better, but this is an area that is going to take a while to fix.  I can still only go in the AM and it takes on average 30-40min, which is better than the 60+min previously.  I'm not needing to strain quite as much, but it's not as efficient as it should be.  I've noticed other GI symptoms changing, but I won't bore u (or disgust u, lol) with the details.  :-)
-I'm still not digesting the food properly, but this diet seems easier on my system than the horrible anti-candida diet I was on
-My skin is VERY inflamed.  My eyelids are puffy and swollen, my eyebrows have cyst-like sores and the hair is falling out, as are my lashes.  My face also looks more gaunt.  
-People seem to notice my energy and seem more friendly towards me..probably because I'm not a walking zombie anymore.  Also, my spirit/aura is probably more noticeable, now that I have my core back (vegan!)
-My indecisiveness still sucks.  I also feel kind of lost/stuck with trying to figure out how to do this diet properly.  I am worried that I am lacking nutrients, cals, etc.  IDK how many times to eat (3 big meals?  several small meals?), when to eat, what to eat, how to eat....
-My stomach capacity is really small...trying to stuff all this in is hard!
-I usually fall asleep after coma?  It's frustrating.
-I still get gassy/bloated/sometimes crampy as the day progresses.  Night time is the worst.  :-(
-I'm still getting reflux/indigestion with meals
-my congestion is better on most days
-my throat and glands have been sore
-My weight has increased slightly.  It either stabilizes or goes up maybe .2-.5 pounds each AM.  It's weird, though, cuz Dr Klein says that everyone loses wt while I'm worried I'm not detoxing, then.
-I overall feel more stable than before.
-Water tastes different!  it doesn't taste chemically almost tastes sweet!
-My pets are more drawn to me.  They have been more loving and cuddly. Perhaps it's because they don't fear I'm going to eat them lol
-AND......NO MORE DIGESTIVE ENZYMES/HCl!!!  No more supplements, save for Vit D, B12 injections, and a probiotic!  AWESOMENESS!
-Also, all the meat is OUT of my house! My cabinets are empty, but my fridge is full of sweet, wonderful fruit!  My apt smells like bananas, instead of a KFC.  It is also easier to keep things tidy, for I don't have loads of paperwork, test results, supplements, and "special foods" that clutter things up.  

Yay for the Simple, if only I can conceptualize how to keep it simple and keep it real!  I tend to over-complicate things.  Sometimes, the simple things are actually really complicated!

I still can't figure out my body cues.  I have been so removed from my internal intuition that I have no idea what my body is needing, wanting, yearning, or warning me of.  I've been so used to "mechanical eating" and living on autopilot...I hope I can get in touch with this!

I also don't know what hunger feels like.  I know fullness, but I can't tell if this is actual fullness (satiety) or just physical fullness (due to a small stomach and not being used to eating volumous food.  I'm used to eating calorically-dense food, not nutrient-dense foods.  Big change!).

Those are all that I can think of off the top of my head.  So, I feel really positive thus far.  I just need to figure out a solid meal plan and decide if doing a mono thing for a while might be helpful.  I'm not sure though....

Thanks for taking the time to read this!  I promise the other posts won't be as long.  I probably should have started this on day one, but didn't know the blog existed til now!
Any comments are greatly appreciated!!!
Comment I got on 30BaD:
Comment by xShelbyx on December 2, 2011 at 12:59am
Jenelle:  Thanks for the support!  What health issues are u trying to heal?  How long have u been LFRV?  Please keep me posted on your progress!

Derek:  Thanks!  (haha, love that u called me Shelbs!  That's my fav nickname, besides TeenyBee and Mustang).  :-)  I appreciate the support and patience as I navigate my way thru this!  And yes, sleep is definitely an issue with me.  I usually get 4-5 hours....probably from my adrenal issues and anxiety.  Hope that resolves asap!

CircleTheWagon:  Oh man, I can TOTALLY, 100% relate to the over-researching and obsessiveness that can accompany trying to regain/change health!  I feel like that's all I do.  I almost need to take a hiatus from the computer, lol...  How are u trying to temper this?  
Thanks for the type about smoothies and taking it slow when eating.  Smoothies either tend to fill me up or leave me satisfied, but it's usually the fullness, which i hate.  :-(  I NEED to eat slower, but bad habits are hard to break!
I do have a food scale and have been using cronometer (I downloaded the program...the website always freezes).  it's helpful, but I hate having to live by measuring and calculating!  I can't wait for this to become automatic!  How long have u been LFRV?

Mike:  Glad we can share the misery, lol.  :-P  Candida and gut infections are the pits, aren't they (and not the mango or peach kind, lol)!  Good luck with mono-eating!  I find it hard to get good quality papayas here in, it requires a lot of volume to get the cals from those.  I think I'm going to try banana island (but add in greens). Wanna join me on this voyage, matey?  :-)  We Candida peeps gotta stick together!  :-)
No mercury fillings... my mom has a mouthful, so that didn't help.  The BIG reason I'm glowing with mercury is because I chewed and swallowed a glass mercury thermometer when I was 2 (glass and all).  Stupid allopathic doctor didn't even blink an eye (did he NOT know that glass could have punctured my GI tract, let alone the amount of mercury I consumed?!.... what a dope).  

Elena:  I appreciate your help these last few days!  U are definitely a ray of sunshine!  Because I am so underweight (lets just say most second graders could bench press me), I do need to be a bit cognizant of calories, unfortunately.  I've been doing the juicy fruits for a while now, and I think I'm actually starting to crave bananas!  I think I'm going to do today full of juicy fruits to really "clean out," then start on banana island (with greens) in order to simplify the complexity.  After much contemplation and research, it seems like a lot of good can come from doing the banana thing for a given time period.  I doubt i'm going to do it long, but I think just the MENTAL REST from trying to concoct this would do me a wealth of good!  We'll see how it goes.... *fingers crossed*
I usually always have something to chew with my smoothie.  It just doesn't feel like a meal otherwise.  Thus, I will throw in sliced banana or scoop up the smoothie with celery.
U have such a great way to go about things.  I pray my intuition comes back full-force!  right now, though, my head is swimming with conflicting thoughts and worries.  it's so hard to quiet it!

Love to ALL of you!!!!!!!  You all are my angels thru this!
Hugs, love, and lots of fruity-sweetness!
elenaComment by elena on December 1, 2011 at 9:07pm
I'm so glad you feel better now! and I'm happy to hear that you give time to your body to adjust before consulting with coaches. as for this comment "So yeah you can have melons and berries and salads and greens, but you'll end up coming back to bananas and dates if you want to have enough energy."  I dont actually agree with it.  If you couldn't live on this diet without bananas and dates, what would be the worth of all this diet, it would be deficient diet. I'm for replacement, if you cant replace any of the products with another just to have your energy on the same level and keep up doing your routine, then something is wrong. may be I can agree that you need some high calorie fruits daily, but only for the sake of gaining weight as soon as possible, otherwise it's not so important. Little by little and everything will be in oreder again. look here. you say that you are underweighted -> your stomach is small, so wouldn|t it be better to fill it with "light" stuff on the early stages of a new diet than filling it up with harder digested food? I have nothing against bananas or dates, they are awesome, but try to eat food that leaves you more satisfied, gives more pleasure and as far as I ve understood you from previous posts, bananas are not your fruit number 1. So, keep in touch with yourself, although you say you are sort of disconnected with your body needs, anyway u know which fruits your body likes most, which less, and it is a good sign. also once you've mentioned u prefer chewing than drinking, that is also a sign of your body preferences. it says you " I wanna chew" :) , well, go then and chew! it might be logical to have more calories through drinking smoothies ( even so we have to chew them too :)), but keep up with little voice of your body that got used to chew more, dont break that habit of yours, at least at the beginning, coz u are really changing a lot in your diet and life.  Leave some habits which are actually very healthy. Dont try to give "orders" to your body, it knows better what it wants ;). yes, yes, that's it. in many times we rely more on our logic , brain, but sometimes it's better to give a chance to intuition. you say you dont hear your intuition?? but not, you hear it, it says you " I like this, I dont like that" ( well, surely about healthy stuff , but it's not difficult for you to eat healthy, coz you love fruits and very tired of all these doctors's prescriptions and advices).

Why  to complicate things even more??? let you have more pleasure especially by eating.
CircleTheWagonsComment by CircleTheWagons on December 1, 2011 at 4:49pm
I can identify with not knowing how to keep things simple. A healthy interest in learning about health has turned into a habit of over-researching things, finding a bunch of contractions, and just frustrating myself to the point of giving up on whatever it is I'm trying. I'm trying to break that habit but it's not easy.

As far as wanting to have mono-meals but needing enough calories, the only tip I have for that is to use a blender if your stomach isn't able to handle the volume of the fruit when eaten normally. Turning things into a smoothie will also help it digest faster, so even if you make a smoothie and can only handle drinking one glass of it before you feel stuffed, give yourself 30 minutes to an hour and you'll be surprised to feel like your stomach is ready for more so soon.

You can have variety eating LFRV, but you're right, you're almost forced to return to the main high-calorie fruits in the diet to make sure you're getting enough calories. So yeah you can have melons and berries and salads and greens, but you'll end up coming back to bananas and dates if you want to have enough energy.

If you're concerned about sufficient calories, nutrients, etc, start using to track what you're eating. Get a cheap food scale if you don't have one you you'll have an accurate measurement. The site shows convenient bar graphs for all your vitamins and minerals and shows your daily targets. You don't have to commit to tracking your food forever, just do it for a few days, and then naturally when you're preparing your meals, you'll have a good idea of how many calories are in it and what nutrients you're getting.

Don't let yourself get stressed by over complicating it, I know how miserable that feels. Just be happy that you are making choices for your health. You don't have to do it 100% right today, tomorrow, or the next day. You'll get there.
DerekComment by Derek on December 1, 2011 at 4:40pm
This is great Shelbs!

You're probably falling asleep after breakfast because you haven't slept enough at night time. This will certainly adjust over time and you'll be able to get lots of sleep at night :)

Glad to hear you're doing well! Keep it rollin!
Jennelle LeMoineComment by Jennelle LeMoine on December 1, 2011 at 3:19pm
very happy for you! i too come from a history of medical issues, im still struggling a little getting back on track (fell off the wagon big time), but im hoping after i finish freelee's e-book and read 811 again, ill be better!  i felt so much better on this diet, just have to get back in the swing of things! i also took my health into my own hands, first going vegetarian w/ fish, then vegan cooked, now this!  we both know in the long run, we will start to feel amazing! all the power and strength to you shelby, happy you found this lifestyle as well! :D
xShelbyxComment by xShelbyx on December 1, 2011 at 1:33pm
Thanks SO much guys!  It's been rough, but I really appreciate the support!
My whole life has been one complicated mess after another...thus the simplicity of this lifestyle is actually EXTREMELY hard for me (hence the reason I have so many questions!).  I honestly don't know how to do anything simple, basic, easy.... I'm so used to things being so intense that I can't even conceptualize "simple."

Like, I'm trying to figure out how to eat a mono-meals for my day tomorrow, but I can't figure out how to eat enough of one fruit at a time to get the cals in (my stomach is NOT stretched yet at all!).  I want to stop relying on dates and bananas!  I bought some oranges, grapes, cantelope, and other fruits I'm dying to try, but they are low cal, so I'd have to eat a ton to meet 2000cals!  Ugh.  IDK how u guys do it!  To me, this diet is actually stressful!  :-P
Mandy WalkerComment by Mandy Walker on December 1, 2011 at 1:18pm
You are so brave for taking your health into your own hands!  Good for you! 
JdollzComment by Jdollz on December 1, 2011 at 1:17pm
Wow! We can b twins Shelby. I have so many of the same issues as u. Im so happy we began this journey at the same time. We will get through this:)
Diane LComment by Diane L on December 1, 2011 at 1:07pm
I am SO HAPPY you are doing better.  I know what it feels like to be a total wreck health wise at a young age.  I fell apart at age 23 but at that time doing Macrobiotics healed my issues then.  But after a few years it didn't work as well and by the tenth year it wasn't working well at all.  So I stopped being vegan until finding the raw vegan lifestyle.

I love your comment about your health rivaling an 85 year old, funny!

You sound very smart and I like the way you are thinking about everything.  I know you'll figure it all out.

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